What Recovering from Depression has Taught Me

    Depression is one of the most common mental illnesses worldwide. Depression is classified as a mood disorder and can severely impact a person in their life. Many people around the world have been diagnosed and struggle with depression.  Many people as well who have been diagnosed are able to find healing and cope with their illness. In today’s article, I will be talking about depression and my experiences of what I have learned during my recovery from depression.

The Art of Healing From Depression - hopetocope.com | Hope To Cope ...

Depression. For those of you who don’t know or don’t know too much about depression, it is a mental disorder where a person feels persistent and intense feelings of sadness that can impact a person’s normal functioning. Any person can feel sad, and typically those feelings can start to fade away as time goes on. For those diagnosed with depression, the feelings of sadness don’t just go away. Depression can appear different for everyone and can present itself in mild or in more severe forms. 

 Some symptoms of depression that can vary in frequency include:

  • Lack of interest or pleasure in interests/activities 
  • Tiredness, lack of sleep or too much sleep 
  • Anxiety, feelings of anger or irritability 
  • Suicidal thoughts, suicidal attempts or self harm 
  • Physical and emotional pain 
  • Changes in weight and appetite 
  • Memory problems 
  • Feelings of worthless and emptiness 

There are also different types of depressive disorders as described below:

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For myself, I am not afraid anymore to say that I was diagnosed and struggled with depression in the past. My moderate depression is something that I typically keep private but I am embracing my story more each day including with opening up more to others. After years of therapy, medication and support, I was able to recover and overcome a big part of my depression. However, depression is still a part of my life as it isn’t something that can just simply go away. I have recovered so much from where I was with my depression years ago. I have learned a lot during my recovery with depression and because of this, my outlook on life has changed so much for the better. 

I will be sharing some important things  that I have learned from my own recovery:

1) Depression is a real illness  

When I was struggling really bad with depression, I didn’t really realize what was happening to me.  I remember the numbness and the lack of emotion that I felt. Depression made me feel nothing besides the feelings of hopelessness and worthlessness. I felt lost and trapped by my own negative thoughts.  For myself, I didn’t believe that these feelings I had were real. I used to tell myself that I was weak for feeling this sad and empty. 

Looking back at myself today,  I was so very wrong in my views back then. I have learned that depression is an illness and is very much real. What I and others have gone through are all so valid. Depression can affect a person so much and I have learned that it is important to recognize, not diminish, what one is going through. I have learned that depression isn’t a sign of weakness and isn’t something that defines a person in their life.  I have learned that it is important to talk and reach out to others about depression.

Depression is an Illness | Getting help for Depression Illness ...

2) You aren’t and don't have to be alone 

 Often times, I felt alone in how I felt and with what I was going through with my depression in the past. I really wanted to reach out to others but I remember feeling like I would be a burden to others if I reached out for help. I remember I felt alone despite having a good social network and felt like I was the only one who felt this way. Looking back on things today, I have learned that no one has to go through depression alone as there are so many people out there in the world willing to help. I remember when I finally reached out to some of my immediate family and friends about how I was feeling, I felt so scared yet so relieved. I gained a lot of strength going forward from that which helped me lots in my healing and with becoming more vulnerable as a person. There are so many people in life, I have learned, that are willing to listen and help. My friends and family have always been a huge support system. Even today, they and my current partner are still are so supportive. Overall, I have learned that reaching out to others is okay, especially if one is struggling mentally or emotionally. No one has to go through anything alone. 

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3) You aren’t a weak person for seeking professional help 

With my depression in the past, I was often in denial about needing professional help and support such as psychotherapy. Therapy, I thought back then, was something that makes a person seem weak or inferior. But that isn’t true at all. I have learned that seeking professional help for depression isn't something to be ashamed of. I have learned through my experiences that therapy and other types of support aren't bad and can be offered to anyone. There are many different types of professional services that can be available for someone struggling with depression. For example, there is psychotherapy, medication and support groups that can provide support. Therapy for me was the most eye opening and was the best thing I ever did for myself. At first I was scared and resistant in trying therapy but over time and with a lot of work, things started to get better.  I learned how to cope better with my depression and with the thoughts I had. I gained a bigger appreciation for myself and saw professional help in a new way. Professional help in my eyes before was something that was so taboo to me. Now, I believe seeking professional help for depression and any other concern is something that should be more normalized in our society today. 

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 4) Things can get better

When I was first starting out with psychotherapy for my depression, I commonly thought of two different concepts. Firstly, I thought that things would never get better. Secondly, if things were to get better, recovery should happen right away and others should be there to "save" me.  I have learned that both of those ideas aren't true based on my own recovery process and experiences. I have learned that healing and coping with depression can be really hard but is most certainly possible. Recovery with my depression has been a slippery slope of ups and downs, setbacks and mini victories. All of it for me was worth it as I am grateful for how far I have come. I have also learned that other people are there to support you as you explore different ways of healing/coping. Overall, I have learned a lot through struggling with and healing from my depression. Healing and recovery are both possible and worth it. 

 “One of the hardest things was learning I was worthy of recovery” - Demi Lovato

Depression, as a mental illness, can be really hard for a person to go through and struggle with. For myself, depression was really challenging to cope with but I was able to recover a lot from it. Depression still impacts my daily life but my depression is something that I am able to manage and cope with. What I have shared to you, my dear reader, is based on my own story and recovery. Each person's experience, diagnosis and views on depression may be different and that is totally okay! Everyone has their own voice and view about things including yours which I respect a lot. 

For those reading this article who do struggle or know someone who is struggling with depression, I send all my best love and support to you. You aren’t alone. You and your feelings matter, and people are and can be available to help support you through this time. Thank you for taking the time to read this article including about my experiences with depression! Please share and leave any feedback you may have if you wish! Below I have attached some helpful links and resources related to depression and coping with depression as well. 

Thank you again and take care of yourselves! See you next time!💗



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